Build Update

April 13, 2020

Hey Church!

Here’s a summary of the construction activities that took place during the month of March 2020. Even though the weather was very wet in March, we took all of the forward steps possible.

Please continue to pray for warmer, dryer weather so that we can get concrete foundations into the ground.

Thanks for your continued giving towards this BUILD Vision as seek to reach our Neighbors, Nations, and Next Generations for the glory of God!

Grace & peace,

Pastor Dean

Construction activities on site included:

·     Continuation of the storm sewer system for the south and east parking lots

·     Very little cut to fill operations were able to be performed this month due to wet surface conditions.

·     The eastern half of the building pad is still all that is at the proper sub grade elevation, however it is too wet and soft to support any construction traffic.

·     The site contractor also continued some installation of fire protection water lines

·     Completed the installation of the temporary entry drive crossing the existing creek at the NE corner of the property.

·     The steel subcontractor has now fabricated approximately 95% of all of the structural steel necessary for the project and is currently storing it at an off-site location.

·     Coordination meetings with Owner’s AVL Contractor and our electrician began this month.